I'm confused as to how I'm supposed to feel being back in Chennai. What role am I supposed to play here? With what lens do I look at Chennai? As someone returning home? As a returning visitor? As a tourist? Before coming, Liz and I talked about how we wanted to be tourists on this trip-to take lots of pictures of things that we had just taken for granted before (whole families perched on the a motorcycle, cows, crowds, colorful scenes, etc.). But I'm not sure if I can totally be a tourist here. I have too much insider knowledge. I think I still have too much cynicism too.
I know I feel more like a tourist this time. I notice people staring at us a lot more than I used to. (Not that it didn't happen then, I think I had just learned to selectively ignore it!) But I also feel strangely connected to this place, or the people in this place. I felt the pull when a job possibility was mentioned to me. I felt the pull when I visited my former workplace and everyone thought I was returning instead of visiting. I felt the pull when listening to my friends talk about their future plans (weddings, babies).
I don't know. Maybe I'll be able to clear my head in a different city as we head off to Hyderabad for our friend's wedding.
On a lighter note, Liz is insisting that I post my fortune from the parrot as well.
I was a bit hesitant to get my fortune told because the last time I had it done, the parrot told me that I was would soon be blessed with a bouncing baby boy, which was not at all a comforting thought. 

This time, however, was much better. Like Liz, I was reminded that Jesus is always with me. Then I was told that I'm friendly and gifted, but also moody, unpredictable, and easily angered. Despite that, I will have a successful career. Then he told me that I'm currently wondering if something is going to happen or not. He couldn't see whether it was going to happen or not, but if it did, it would happen in the next 5 weeks.

side note: as of this writing, it has been about 4 weeks since the parrot told my fortune. Thus, if it is going to happen, it has to be this week. Whatever "it" is.
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