Have you ever had take-out food delivered to your door that you didn't order?
Ok, maybe. (though thanks to a standardized address system in the US, it's probably not likely!)
However, have you ever taken said food, pretended that you did order it, pay for it and greedily consume it*?
Nope, I didn't think so.But, yes, that is what happened when Ralph and I attempted to order food from Wang's Kitchen for lunch yesterday. Now last year I ordered quite a bit from them, but this was my first time to order from my new apartment. I was a bit concerned about changing the address, but they
seemed*** to understand. So when an hour had passed with no sign of them, I made the (first) call to them. "On it's way, 10 minutes madam." (The standard reply.) 20 more minutes pass. I phone again (because, really, they are closing in 5 minutes!)
Me: "I'm calling about the food I ordered for delivery."
Wang's guy: "But it's been delivered madam..."
Me: "Um [stomach growls], no?"
Wang's guy: "But yes madam and the money is coming...the money has come back"
Me (pitifully-remember I have been waiting for food for an hour and half here!): "But I have no food!"
Wang's guy: Delivery to [reads out address-with incorrect number]?
Me: No, [corrects numbers]
Wang's guy: "Ok madam. I am sending food again there 20 minutes."****
Me (desperately): "20 minutes or no payment!"
Wang's guy: "For sure***** 20 minutes madam."
When the delivery guy showed up (about 22 minutes later, but I paid him anyway), he explained that he had delivered it to the house 3 houses down from us. Now, I don't know my neighbors here, but I have heard that at least one Tamil actress, plus possibly a few other people associated with the film industry, live on our street. Not exactly the people that you would think would need to steal food from a couple of poor, hungry, foreign language trainers, but I guess you never know....
...I only hope they were veg!!!!!! Would serve them right...
*I am only speculating about the greedy consumption part of the story, though I think it is a safe bet**
**asterisk comments inspired by
Pete and Tiffany***this is always the problem
****If it only takes 20 minutes, why did it take an hour the first time?
*****Always a dangerous phrase (means, most likely, never, similarity to definitely) ******
******Hey these comments are kinda fun!