25 July 2006

The Da Vinci Code-the movie

I finally went to see The Da Vinci Code at Sathyam Theater last night. What a waste of time and money. I guess I can try to comfort myself with the fact that I only spend about Rs. 100 ($2.50) instead of the $8+ I would have had to pay if I had seen it in the US. I guess that’s what you get when you take an average (at best) book and try to turn it into a blockbuster movie.

Of course, my opinion of the movie was also influenced by the crowd around me. In case you didn’t know, the movie has only been open here for a little while now; Tamil Nadu was one of the states that had originally banned its release. I can’t imagine why the censors here were worried-if the crowd that was at Sathyam last night was any indication, no one is actually going to pay enough attention to the movie to understand what the movie is about! Even before intermission, the crowd had already given up paying attention to the plot and would randomly shout, whistle and clap at what was going on on the screen. It was so obnoxious!

Personally, I think that the movie had too much dialogue and monologues for the average Indian viewer-and not enough action. It brings to mind a quote from a Hindi movie I have seen recently, Rang de Basanti. A father says about his son, “SMS generation. Speak 4 lines and they think you’re giving them a lecture.”

As for me, I think I will do all my movie viewing at Maayajal-the crowd has been much less obnoxious in my trips there.


  1. My friend said the same thing about the book. He only got through 2 pages of it and gave up, stating it was poorly written crap. Said friend is an English/Philosophy major.

  2. see i thought the movie would be better. mostly because the book took time to read and the movie would be over in a few long hours. though i havn't seen it yet so i can't say if it was better.
