23 February 2007

Birthday Celebrations

Originally, I wasn't looking forward to turning 30 in India...however, it turned out to be fun!

Thursday, I celebrated with friends at Zara's & Zanzibar...

...then headed to Kodaikanal for the weekend.
I finally found a cold place in Tamil Nadu: Kodaikanal is a hill station, where people here go to escape the heat of the summer. The summer heat hasn't fully arrived here (give it another month or so), so it wasn't too crowded there yet.

It was quite a trek to Dolphin's Nose, but I loved the fog that surrounded the mountain

Suicide Point:

The hotel had a great lake view!

14 February 2007

One Countdown Begins....Another Ends

I'm excited to announce:

I have 30 more working days...
...and today I turn the big 3-0!

11 February 2007

Oh Canada!

I've been assigned to work with one of our new programs that supports clients in Canada. Now that my roommates (both Canadians) are both gone, I guess they figured an American was the next best thing. I think I managed okay with my first batch, changing the places where I used to say "Your American customers expect..." to "Your North American customers expect...." :)Throughout the batch, though, I was reminded about how little I actually know about our "neighbors to the north." While scrambling to find basic information (standard address formats and the like), however, I was relieved to find out that I'm not as bad as these people....