09 July 2006


Well, I finally feel like a true Chennai-ite. I spent the last week suffering with a bout of viral fever that has been making the rounds here. Now don't panic-I think it sounds much worse than it actually was. From what my doctor was saying, it sounds like it is related to a bout of the flu. People tell me that it is actually very common here as we start to change seasons.

My doctor prescribed two courses of antibiotics to take care of the secondary symptoms. Here's my new favorite thing about India: AND HE CAME TO MY APARTMENT TO DO THE CHECK-UP! It was great-I didn't even have to get out of my pajamas to see the doctor (and when he left, I went right back to bed!) All for a mere Rs. 200 per visit (that's about $5). I don't even think I could get a doctor in the US to SEE me (in his own office) for $200 (without my health insurance that is!) AND the medicines were also delivered to my apartment as well! What a wonderful system!


  1. Hope you are already feeling better! Take care of yourself!

    One question... is it normal to get home visits from young, attractive doctors as well as the older ones with an already well-established practice? ;-)

  2. amazing medical concepts! I hope you feel much better soon! xo juni

  3. Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

  4. Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
