28 July 2006

Random Quiz

Ok so I don't usually go for all of these quizzes, but this one was kind of funny.
Especially the fact that it used the word "shady" in my obituary. :) Jeff, I blame you.

Actually, come to think of it, doesn't this obit fit him a lot better?

'What" will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com


  1. "Imploringly while trying to recant,..."
    "Finally after many miserly years, The REAL Anonymous died with a gleam of hope in their eye."

    With little fanfare, the creator of this quiz died after a bout with a terminal form of grammar deficiency.

    He will be missed by George W. Bush.

  2. i don't know which i liked better:
    Evilly skulking around the neighborhood, peter williams died with an infected toenail. missed by chuck noris.
    (i do like a good skulk)
    awaiting trial for lewd behavior, pete died a hilarious death. missed by many a transexual prostitue.
    (i do like hilarious deaths!)

  3. I'm not sure which one fits me better - suppose it depends on the day and my frame of mind at any given moment.

    I like this one (especially in light of which country I'm probably going to be working in next :-)):
    "Awaiting trail for lewd behavior, Liz died with an infected toenail"

    But then there's this other one:
    "Crazed with gluttony, Liz died a hilarious death.
    Liz will be terribly missed by the Lollypop Kids."

  4. Chennai is one of the big cities in India I haven't visited yet. Looks like you are having a lot of fun!
