07 August 2006

Hey! That's my food!

Have you ever had take-out food delivered to your door that you didn't order? Ok, maybe. (though thanks to a standardized address system in the US, it's probably not likely!)

However, have you ever taken said food, pretended that you did order it, pay for it and greedily consume it*? Nope, I didn't think so.

But, yes, that is what happened when Ralph and I attempted to order food from Wang's Kitchen for lunch yesterday. Now last year I ordered quite a bit from them, but this was my first time to order from my new apartment. I was a bit concerned about changing the address, but they seemed*** to understand. So when an hour had passed with no sign of them, I made the (first) call to them. "On it's way, 10 minutes madam." (The standard reply.) 20 more minutes pass. I phone again (because, really, they are closing in 5 minutes!)

Me: "I'm calling about the food I ordered for delivery."

Wang's guy: "But it's been delivered madam..."

Me: "Um [stomach growls], no?"

Wang's guy: "But yes madam and the money is coming...the money has come back"

Me (pitifully-remember I have been waiting for food for an hour and half here!): "But I have no food!"

Wang's guy: Delivery to [reads out address-with incorrect number]?

Me: No, [corrects numbers]

Wang's guy: "Ok madam. I am sending food again there 20 minutes."****

Me (desperately): "20 minutes or no payment!"

Wang's guy: "For sure***** 20 minutes madam."

When the delivery guy showed up (about 22 minutes later, but I paid him anyway), he explained that he had delivered it to the house 3 houses down from us. Now, I don't know my neighbors here, but I have heard that at least one Tamil actress, plus possibly a few other people associated with the film industry, live on our street. Not exactly the people that you would think would need to steal food from a couple of poor, hungry, foreign language trainers, but I guess you never know....

...I only hope they were veg!!!!!! Would serve them right...

*I am only speculating about the greedy consumption part of the story, though I think it is a safe bet**

**asterisk comments inspired by Pete and Tiffany

***this is always the problem

****If it only takes 20 minutes, why did it take an hour the first time?

*****Always a dangerous phrase (means, most likely, never, similarity to definitely) ******

******Hey these comments are kinda fun!


  1. Meanwhile, some Indian guy is posting a blog entry about how the takeout place just delivered somebody else's food to him - he's not sure who's, but it was probably some actress! How cool is that?! Maybe she'll figure out what happened and come over and see me! Surely she'll fall madly in love with me!

    -The REAL Anonymous

  2. That may have happened to me in Delhi maybe. I have had orders not appear, we didn't bother following up though.

  3. What did you do for food then?
