23 November 2005

In Transit

Well, I'm now about halfway through my journey to Hawaii. I'm currently in Nerita (Tokoyo) and I have to occupy the next 6ish hours here. All in all, the flights and transfers have, thankfully, gone smoothly and neither flight has been full. I left Chennai last night (I think!) :) and flew to Singapore via Singapore Airlines. That was a really great flight! I highly recommend Singapore Airlines (for those of you planning on coming to visit me!) ;) The food was good, the on-demand entertainment selection was quite extensive and there seemed to be a good amount of space between the seats-even in economy class. Singapore airport is great too; I'm glad because I have another 6ish hour layover there on the way back. There are plenty of restaurants and even several places to get a dayroom to sleep! One of the great parts is that the internet is free! (Unlike Heathrow, where you have to pay for it!)

Japan Airlines (my second leg-from Singapore to Nerita) is not bad either. There's a little less room between the seats and I don't recommend the Teriyaki eel for lunch. But the hostesses have been very helpful so far. However, Nerita is not an airport that I recommend for an extended layover; there doesn't seem to be many shops or restaurants, but at least the internet is also free here. I may take another trek around the terminal to see if I missed anything in a couple of hours. Or I may try to snag one of the reclining chairs around the corner and catch a few winks!

Speaking of sleep, I'm hoping that this has some coherence because I didn't really sleep much on either flight. But, I did catch up on some chick flicks that I had missed-Must Love Dogs and the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants-and I recommend both, as chick flicks. :)

I have one story for those of you that know me well. You know how I'm fascinated by the way Indians can find out someone's name and instantaneously know what part of the country he's from, what religion he is and what caste he is. Well, on the way here, I sat next to an Indian. When the stewardess came around, I found out his name was Ghosht (or however you spell that!) [Luckily I had just read an article about a Bengali author of the same name!] We chatted a bit, so I asked him if he was from Calcutta and he was. I was pretty excited to have been able to put it all together! :)


  1. good job on the name thing, Lori ...I think you're way better at it than I am :-)
    Hope you have a great time while your away... I'm looking forward to hearing all about the trip.
    Happy Thanksgiving! (please allow me to get mushy for a minute here... I'm thankful to have such a great roommate :-))
    See ya next week.

  2. Hope you found the EXIT by now ... Happy thanksgiving day Lori ... have fun ...

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Lori, we had a nice time here. Hope u had a nice time too.

  4. Happy thanksgiving day Lori!
