14 December 2007

Goa Story #2

I imagine everyone has been waiting with bated breath for the second Goa story. :)

As Liz said, there were plenty of things to get irritated about, but somehow we always managed to pull through by adding some humor to the situation. One of the more frustrating things for me happened on the evening boat cruise we took on our 1/2 day of sight-seeing. It's such great fun to be followed around the boat by a 15-year-old who, despite his lack of English, tries to hit on you. [And trust me, his English was bad: when he wanted to ask Liz a question about whether she had been to Kerala (where he was from), he faced her and asked, "And has she been to Goa?" (apparently, he didn't pay attention to that all important Pronoun lesson!) But, my favorite was when he asked me, "How is better? Kerala or Goa?" (And Malayalis pride themselves on their educational standards and their grasp of English!) :) ]

Luckily, Liz, in her uber-sneakiness, was able to snap a picture to remind us of it:
Unfortunately, by this point, he had changed out of his matching shorts (that were worn over his pants!) that prompted us to nickname him SuperBoy*!

*Many thanks to Mr. Texas, another tourist who helped us nickname as well as avoid SuperBoy!


  1. Ahh, the memories! I'm glad I left that one for you to share... and I'm glad I got that picture!

  2. What makes you think that English is the benchmark to measure educational standard in any country? Take time to see what is the official language of USA? English happens to be a language widely spoken by millions across the world, courtesy to British who ruled the world till recent past. If you are not aware India has a national language Hindi and each state has its own regional language like Malayalam in Kerala. English is an optional or considered second language and people learn it at their personal interest

  3. your blogs are interesting but you are missing an entire part of india. if you plan to come to delhi sometime, do you want to meet up?

  4. Hahahaha,

    That was a funny story. And the comments of Mr. Anonymous above defending is even funnier.

    And getting hit on by a blog commentor is a cherry to top it.

    Hahahaha. Can't stop laughing.

