07 February 2008


Several friends have recently pointed out that I have not really explained here what was going on in my life, so I will attempt to remedy that in the next few days. I'm not sure why I delayed these postings (I've definately had plenty of time!); in some ways, I think that I might not have been ready to pull out some of these memories and think about everything that happened...

At the end of October, I put my papers down (that's resigned to those of you in the US) and prepared to leave India (for good?). I spent a couple of weeks wrapping up things in Chennai (it's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate in 2 years!) and flew back to the US a little before Thanksgiving. Since then I have been staying with my parents while looking for a job back here in the good ole' US of A.

Anyway, I'm sure I will share more about that with you later, but for now, I thought I would leave you with a few pictures of the people I said goodbye to in Chennai...

My team of communication trainers

Crystal & Zach

Vijaya & Narayan...who got married after I left...Congratulations you 2!


My supervisor/call back team-
I managed to go 2.5 years in India without getting cake
smeared all over my face (a common occurance on birthdays
and other occasions in India) UNTIL this group stepped in-thanks, guys!

Anita & Family. Anita was my friend, advisor, co-worker, co-conspirator, co-sufferer...and a lot more besides! She taught me everything I know about being a trainer on the production floor! I owe her a ton!

1 comment:

  1. I've been accustomed to regularly checking your blog, and although I didn't realize that you had work-transitioned away from India, I was thinking that you must be involved in some sort of change.

    Good luck to you back here -- don't get too bummed about the duration of time spent looking for the next work endeavor. It was my observation from the Mom side that when weeks changed to months frustration increased as the months went by . . .

    Take care -- you're in my thoughts!

