15 April 2006


Isn't it amazing how when you are home on vacation and you supposedly have all the time in the world is the time when you never seem to get around to blogging? :) At least that's my excuse for the long time between these blog posts...

So I did manage to get both my apartment and myself packed up in the five days before I left. Whew. I had a safe enough flight over...although my luggage decided it wanted to take a later flight and only showed up on Friday. If you like to travel with your luggage the whole time, I recommend having a longer layover in London than 45 minutes...particularly if you have to travel from one end of the terminal to the other! :) And somewhere along the way my mobile phone has disappeared as well...so I need to collect numbers again from those of you who read my blog.

I've found that working nights in India has one advantage-it mitigates the effects of jet lag when you come back to the US. I spent the first few days at home with my parents and also hanging out with my friend Pete. You can read Pete's summary of the events here and here. Then I headed to Rochester to meet up with friends there. Of course, being Rochester, it had to snow two of the six days I was there! (Thank you so much! I was already freezing when I stepped off the plane and it was in the sixties! When do I get to leave again????) Anyway, other than that, I had a lot of good visits with people and I wish I could have stayed longer.

So the question that everyone seems to be asking me is, "what made you stay?" I guess, as I look back on my recent posts that I can understand why. The explanation that currently best sums it up is: I was like Bush, I didn't have an exit strategy. :) Yes, I wasn't happy with the second-year contracts, but I didn't yet have a good plan as to what to do when I got back to the US. In many ways, I just felt like I wasn't ready to leave-I haven't seen, haven't experienced enough of India yet. Plus, according to Pete, I haven't accomplished my purpose by finding a husband, so of course I had to stay. :) (just kidding)

So now I'm back at home waiting to leave. I was supposed to have left yesterday (Friday) but my visa has yet to appear and when I tried to call the consulate to find out the status, I found out they were closed on Good Friday, a fact I think is strange when considering that Christianity is the 3rd major religion for the country at only 2.3% of the population. I guess government jobs are the same all over... Hmmm...looks like I won't be making it into work by Monday as my new boss was hoping.


  1. Yeah - finally an update! ;-) It's good to hear that things are going as usual, and you will get to enjoy being in the US longer - wanna plan a trip out to the West Coast!?! I'm sure you'll have plenty of time before your visa comes through and your return flight gets booked :-)

    And as for the reason of your staying on in Chennai, I know exactly what you mean... and maybe given more time, you really will find a husband ;-) Just make sure you take more trips out of town so you really do experience more of India and can prevent the company from driving you completely insane! :-)

  2. Good to see you posting again.

    Having almost the witdrawl symptoms of your blog.....
