19 April 2007

Yea, I'm coming home for a vacation!

So one of the things that was falling apart was that I was having a difficult time extending my visa for the extra week that I needed to stay here after it expired. However, that has finally been resolved (albeit all at the last minute!) and I am now free to leave for a vacation in the US. Now I'm starting to frantically pack up my heavy stuff to take home...because I am sure I will accumulate more by the time I am ready to leave again in the fall.

In the meantime, I thought I would share some pictures of some trips that I took but never posted about. Enjoy!


  1. You should have made up your mind before the visa expired and got it renewed... phrrr

  2. Hey Lori, mail me your phone number. Am in Chennai for a couple of weeks... rads_v@hotmail.com
