01 August 2005

Catching up

I know I've gotten a lot of worried emails lately, so I wanted to quickly let everyone know that I was ok. (And yes-will catch up with those emails soon.) Yes, there is severe flooding, but it is mostly concentrated around Mumbai (Bombay)-in Maharashtra and Gujarat. Here in Chennai, there has been some rain, but not torrential monsoon as there. In fact, here they are actually worried because the rains have not raised the water levels enough, which could make problems later on.

Other than that-just finished a hectic training session at work. Hopefully things will be calm for a couple of days so that I can recouperate-though there is a chance that I will have to change to days and do classroom training full-time. I have mixed feeling about that...

Be on the lookout for new posts, though, I will update you all on my weekend trip to Pondicherry! :) :) :)


  1. Well Lori, I'm doing training 8 hours a day with COL and I hardly ever have time to email... I think my friends and family back home must think I've fallen off the face of the earth :-) So if you do come join us over here, be prepared... proper time management and multi-tasking are a must - but even then I find it hard to stay in touch (but maybe that's just me) :-)

  2. too bad you are missing out on the floods. the monsoon season was sooo fun up in raxaul. i loved walking around a flooded hospital and how my feet were always wet. it's too bad that you are missing out on that experience.

  3. Liz's Mom checking in here -- she tells me that given her current teaching schedule, she has no pc time for email anymore. If you still have some email time, could you please send me your email address. She received some mail yesterday that I need to communicate about with her. Thanks! ssp

  4. Que sera sera .... Stop you B!tchin ... You will be fine. You gotta pay the bills. Remember just because you're away from reality doesn't mean your bills disappear like you did :). Send me some of that harrd earned cash .. or Rupee.
