02 March 2007

March Madness

21 more working days! :)

I'm so excited about heading home; however, I don't want to give them impression that all of my experiences in India have all been bad. I have decided, for the month of March, to list 30 things that I will miss about India, naturally with special emphasis on Chennai. I'm going to attempt to do this each day, but probably there will end up being groups of things every few days. Keep in mind they are not in any specific order, other than things I am thinking about at the moment.

I planned on starting this yesterday, so here are my first two (which is okay, since they are related):

30. NO SNOW!!! I haven't seen snow for the past 2 years (except during vacations back to Rochester in OCTOBER!) and I haven't missed it at all!

29. Warm weather year-round. Need I say more?


  1. Does that mean you aren't going to come back to Rochester? We had a heat wave this week. Above 40F 3 days in a row!

    -The REAL Anonymous

  2. Are you going to continue this site once you leave India?

    -The REAL Anonymous

  3. I haven't decided that yet...

  4. WHAT!!!!!!! You may not continue your blog! I hope your kidding! I mean, its a great source of information, and since I am very lazy these days and dont have a blog, or even know how to put one together, you MUST keep yours!!!!

    - your friend- Crystal
