14 March 2007


I knew I would fall behind in my list...but then I had more pressing things to attend to-like applying for jobs! *crossing fingers* Let's hope something comes from all the frantic searching!

13 more working days...although I'm taking off my remaining leave days next week when Liz is here, so that actually makes it more like 9 more. :) Either way it sounds good to me.

Anyway, back to my list....

There are a bunch of South Indian foods that I'm going to miss back in the US:

18. Masala dosa...and my new treat, mushroom dosa...pretty much any kind of dosa, actually

19. Mutton Biriyani-especially Hyderabadi Mutton Biriyani at Zubair's house! MMMM!

20. Fresh lime sodas-a little salt, a little sugar (kuncha salt, kuncha sweet to the Tamil vendors...which always makes them laugh!) is my favorite way to have it-so refreshing on a hot day!
I guess it takes some getting used to, though. I remember Stephen's face as he tried to get used to the taste of a drink with salt-he was not a fan!

21. Fresh-squeezed juices...especially grape, which tastes nothing like the packaged grape juice that you buy in the stores! Oh-and sweet lime too!

22. Chaat-especially anything with dahi (yogurt) such as dahi poori

23. And, even though I don't get it much in Chennai (it's a Kerala dish)-appams with coconut milk.

Ok, now I'm hungry....time for me to go make lunch! :)


  1. I still miss the fruit juice.

    -The REAL Anonymous

  2. Those are all the things I miss... and will have to have while I'm there! I can't wait to see you and get my 'Indian Food Fix'!

  3. Love dosa so much.. Glad to see a fellow fan.
