07 July 2005

The Duo Is Split Up!

So, I'm missing my "other half." Liz has been sent to train the new-hire batch at a different location while I get to stay here for re-training techs already on the floor. It has been a hard adjustment coming to work all alone for the past few days! Everyone here at Tidel Park has seen us together since the beginning, so they are all asking me if Liz is ok and if she's ever coming back. (We're hoping she will when she finishes the batch in another couple of weeks!) They also think that we are incomplete unless we're together; I suppose because we were always introduced around as, "This is Liz and Lori, our American trainers"-no distinguishing between us. (Pretty funny when you see us-she's taller, with curly blond hair and I'm shorter, with straight dark hair.) I've been filling her in with news from here-telling her that most of the regular security guards have asked me where she is, why she's not with me, and when she's coming back. The other day, though, she texted me to tell me that one of our regular cab drivers asked her about me-even they are wondering! (Yes, you may think it strange that we text each other, but when your shifts start 4 hours apart you are rarely awake and in the apartment at the same time.) I guess as a duo, we made quite an impression!


  1. I thoroughly enjoy teaching and I am glad for the chance to teach this Dell batch. However, I am also feeling the pangs of separation... both from you, Lori, and other friends at Tidel and from the food available there.
    The facility where I am training does not have fresh South Indian filter coffee, chat, icecream, or any of the American snack foods like french fries available in their canteen... :-( I think back fondly every evening here to the good times we had over such wonderful dinners at Tidel :-) I'm looking forward to returning soon.
    It's been so wonderful to have been placed with a house-mate I can get along so nicely with... and I think it's a strong statement on our friendship that we miss each other... even though we still call and text during work :-)

  2. Hey Lori,

    I guess this anonymous guy is wanting to get in touch with you. :)

    We thoroughly miss Liz at Dell. To keep our friends informed, i am moving out to Microsoft effective from Monday and wont be meeting Liz n Lori too often.. :((

    Even the fellow trainers feel that someone is not to be seen (Liz) and the team is incomplete.

    Hope to see you Liz.
