12 July 2005

New Review

Saturday night I went out with some friends from work to check out a pub called Geoffrey's. My friends tell me that it was the first pub in Chennai. I guess it's a little on the outskirts of town, so it doesn't always get the attention that some of the more "trendy" places get, but it was my kind of place. It is definitely a pub instead of a disc (sp?) so there wasn't even a dance floor. It was more of a "home-town" bar- [Ok everyone hum the theme for Cheers!] :) -with good music (excellent, actually!) and comfy couches and tables around for people to hang out with friends and socialize. They even have a couple of pool tables. My only complaint was that the drinks were a bit on the pricey side...but I'll have to go during Ladies' Night sometime to make up for that! :)

Hmm...I feel like I'm doing a review on places in Chennai now.... :)

1 comment:

  1. Yea I agree, we should go out and this time I prefer Apple Juice.
