14 March 2006


By the way-

Happy Pi Day!!!!


Happy Holi!!!


  1. Happy Holi, Lori! Make sure you get out there and enjoy all the pranks and colors! Wish I was there to celebrate with you! Do you have the day off work? Is or was there an event at the office - face-painting or something messy in the parking lot? (that question is based on my experience last year, when we did have to work, but almost the whole day was a party and included a face-painting contest between the different teams on the floor)... ahhh, the memories :-)

  2. I think it's so wonderful that pi (or 3.14 as his friends like to call him) has his own holiday. BTW, if you want to know pi out to 1 million (yes, 1,000,000) decimal places, click here.

  3. Hi Loir, Long time no hear from you. I just caught up on your blog. To comment on you being exported back to the US ... Maybe something will come up last minute. It's not over till the Fat lady sings ... Hugs. Enjoy the holidays.
