29 June 2005


According to m-w.com:

Main Entry: crit·i·cism: 1 a : the act of criticizing usually unfavorably b : a critical observation or remark c : CRITIQUE 2 : the art of evaluating or analyzing works of art or literature

I did not create this blog to start a debate over the pros or cons of one culture over another. (If you have doubts about this, please read the About section of my blog!) Like it or not, these are my experiences here and my personal interpretation of the same. While I'm flattered, Mr./Ms. Anonymous, that you love my blog and choose to comment on it, if I may say so, you may want to work on your interpretive tone for reading. The posts that I write are usually written with a light, humerous tone, which is often poking fun at my responses to culture-clash situations. This blog is not about promoting the superiority of one culture over another, merely to highlight the differences and similarities that I experience. You may want to go back and re-read and re-assess. If you choose to "criticize" my blog in the future, I would appreciate it if you would stick to actual criticizm, as defined by Merriam-Webster, and not to bland generalizations or assumptions of me personally.